Modern Slavery Statement
14 March 2025
UMi is not a Relevant Commercial Organisation as defined under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 therefore the following statement is relevant to the size and nature of our organisation.
UMi is committed to acting in an ethical manner, with integrity and transparency in all our business dealings and treating our people, partners and suppliers fairly.
In turn, we expect those working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold the principles within our Modern Slavery Statement which are designed to safeguard against modern slavery and human trafficking, in accordance with legislation outlined in the Modern Slavery Act (2015).
This voluntary statement sets out UMi’s approach to understanding and minimising the potential risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chain.
About UMi
UMi firmly believes that it is people that power businesses, regardless of sector, size or location, and whilst our overall mission is to help businesses go further, we can only do that by working with people and teams – whether they are our customers, our partners or our suppliers.
As an employee owned business and Certified B Corporation which aims to balance the three pillars of people, planet and profit, our responsible business credentials reflect our commitment to acting in an ethical manner, with integrity and transparency in all our business dealings and treating our people, partners and suppliers fairly.
In turn, we expect those working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold the following principles to safeguard against modern slavery and human trafficking, in accordance with legislation outlined in the Modern Slavery Act (2015).
Our commitment to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
- We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in our business and our supply chains.
- We have achieved the Fair Payment Code – Gold Award which is a voluntary code of practice for businesses, administered by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner, and reflects our commitment to demonstrating openness, honesty and integrity within financial terms and supporting our suppliers by paying invoices within 30 days.
- The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chain is the responsibility of all those working for us or on our behalf.
- We will develop awareness training for all of our team based on the importance of being aware of modern slavery risks, how these risks might appear in our day to day activities and supply chain, and what to do if they suspect modern slavery is occurring.
- We have a whistleblowing policy which allows employees to report any concerns confidentially.
- We operate an approved suppliers only system and take a risk based approach to appointing new suppliers which includes checking their quality and sustainability standards; for example, whether they pay the Real Living Wage as a minimum and, if they are a relevant commercial organisation under the terms of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 whether they publish a Modern Slavery Statement.
- As set out in our Sustainable Procurement Policy which is available to download from our Sustainability webpage, we expect all of our contractors and suppliers to adhere to fair pay and labour practices including:
- to pay their employees (permanent or temporary) the Real Living Wage as a minimum
- to not subject their employees to any workplace discrimination or substandard labour practices
- to pay their suppliers on time as per the agreed contract terms and conditions
- to comply with the Modern Slavery Act, and those with an annual turnover of £36 million or more to publish a statement online.
Key performance indicators
- We will monitor the number of suppliers within our supply chain which are of a size to be subject to Section 54 of the Act and, where they are, we will check that they have a published Modern Slavery Statement.
- We will monitor the number of reports from employees, our suppliers or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified.